Monday, 7 July 2008

Obesity and Your Life!

People who are overweight, or worse obese, face consequences which have the ability to become a daily nightmare. For some it is their lifestyle choices which has led them to become obese, others perhaps have gathered the extra weight through no fault of their own.

To live this overweight and obese life can be difficult, people have to face every new day with the fear of prejudice from others making it hard to live in the world which demands perfection and looks down upon them. It's a sad reality that many people have to face, a reality which comes at a great personal cost.

A persons self image and their self esteem depends almost entirely on how other people perceive them, or perhaps how other people perceive them. It is very hard to totally ignore the criticism and not care about the opinions of others. With excess weight, of course, the more you weight the harder it will get. People will stare at you no matter where you go, not to mention the snickering and jokes are a surefire way of helping to lower you self esteem.

Unfortunately this can often led to a self destructive circle leading people to become depressed and complacent with their weight which can lead to more weight gain. Obese people may stop going out doors, therefore they receive less exercise, which leads to weight gain, which lead to less exercise and so forth. This low self esteem has the ability to manifest itself in a way which makes it increasingly difficult for a person to motivate themselves in order to make an improvement in their life.

Relationships can be very difficult for obese people to enjoy when they are overweight. Sex can be become awkward with couples becoming self conscious about their bodies. The extra weight in the bedroom can make performing very difficult and excessive sweating is probably not the sexiest thing either. If they don't already have a partner it can be difficult for obese people to find a lover. The fact that they do not go out to social events as often as they should coupled with their low self esteem often results in many people giving up.

If you want to deal with your obesity problem you need to motivate yourself. But even then motivation may not be enough, outside support is mandatory. Other people helping you can make the difference between succeeding and failing, these people also often stop you from eating that extra food you should be avoiding.

Food addiction can be a very difficult thing to overcome; when someone who eats a lot first cuts back the body can have withdrawal symptoms from sugars and fats, often leading to depression. The extra support around for this week or two can make a world of difference.

Becoming obese is the easiest part but now you have to lose those pounds and this is the hard part. It will be a struggle at first, but you need to stay strong, the health, social and emotional benefits of the new you will be unbelievable. A life of less food and more exercise sounds scary to a lot of people but it doesn't have to be, if you make sure you have good support it will be easier to achieve this goal. Just think how good you will feel when you look into the mirror and walk down the street with your new body and new confidence.

More than 1 in 4 people will become overweight in their lifetime, don't let this be you.

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