Sunday, 13 July 2008
Obesity Paradox: Excess Body Fat Helps in Heart Failure Recovery
We have all known for a fact, and for some time now that obesity is one of the risk factors for developing heart disease and heart failure. We have also in the last few decades been very upbeat, to say the least, in encouraging weight loss.
Particularly, BMI or Body Mass Index has been used to show increasing risk for heart condition as it increases. BMI is a number that indicates the extent of body fat in an individual. A higher BMI has often, if not always, been associated with adverse outcome; until now.
Evidently, the excess body fat may cause heart failure, but it also helps one recover better. There are indications that the obese fare better after heart failure compared to their healthy counterparts. This is according to a study by Dr. Gregg C. Fonarow of the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles U.S.A and colleagues. This study has been backed up by another led by Dr. Jeptha P. Curtis of Department of Medicine section of cardiovascular medicine, Yale University School of Medicine.
Both studies came to the counter-institute conclusion that higher BMI is well associated with lower mortality risk. Overweight and obese patients had lower risks of death in case of a heart failure compared to healthy and underweight individuals.
Fonarow tries to explain this unusual finding, "the study suggest that overweight and obese patents may have greater metabolic reserves to call upon during an accuse heart failure episode which may lessen in-hospital mortality risks"
The studies found that in-hospital mortality rate in patients that had heart failure reduced as their BMI increased. Mortality rate in the hospital was highest at 6.3 percent for underweight 4.6 percent for healthy weight, 3.4 percent for the overweight and only 2.4 percent for obese patients.
The studies seem to point to the existence of what has now come to be know as the "obesity paradox". Many researchers and doctors are stumped y the phenomena, but not everyone is buying into the paradox. A. Habbu and colleagues at the University of Texas School of Public health Huston think the obesity paradox may be a bunch of baloney. They comment on one of the studies, "closer examination of these studies raises important questions on the validity of the paradox". They have issue with the quality of data used in the studies implying they could be inherently skewed.
But whether the obesity paradox exists or not, these is not doubt you still need to lose excess weight. Remember although excess weight may help you recover from heart failure; it is the one that increased your chances of the heart failure in the first place. So having to make a choice between successful recovery from a heart failure and not having any heart failure, we suggest you choose the latter.
Saturday, 12 July 2008
The Obesity Epidemic and Juvenile Diabetes
The increasing obesity epidemic among children today is thought to be a leading cause in the increase in juvenile diabetes in this country today. While not everyone agrees on the causes and affects it is hard to argue with the continuing increase of children with Type 2 diabetes who are also overweight. In fact as the percentages of obese children raises so does the percentage of those affected with juvenile diabetes at nearly the same rate.
There appear to be two main reasons for this increase in Type 2 diabetes among children. Most children these days have a sedentary lifestyle that revolves around watching TV, playing video games, or using their computer to chat with and email their friends. The second issue for many kids is their poor eating habits and nutrition. Living the fast food life style or eating a bag a chips while playing video games is one of the major reasons for the preponderance of overweight kids we see today.
For many years Type 2 diabetes was something that overweight adults had to contend with, mainly because children weren't having the weight issues they have today. Type 2 diabetes in an adult is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes. The primary treatment for this type of this disease is lifestyle changes involving diet and exercise for both children and adults.
One of the main concerns with type 2 juvenile diabetes is the affects it can have later on in a child's life. Children with type 2 diabetes have been found to have more life threatening complications than type 1 diabetics. Some of the major problems juveniles with this type of diabetes face include heart disease, damage to the nervous system, renal failure, blindness, and limb amputations, particularly of the feet and lower legs.
The first line of defense against juvenile type 2 diabetes is probably the most obvious. Maintain a healthy body weight through proper diet and exercise thus preventing the onset of the disease. For children already diagnosed this same treatment applies if they are to avoid the complications to their health later in life.
For the juvenile diabetic a healthy diet is the cornerstone of their treatment. A well balanced diet low in sugar, saturated fats, and salt is the way to go. High fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables, along with complex carbohydrates are best for the diabetic. Even then foods high in carbs should be eaten throughout the day to help prevent large rises in blood glucose levels. Regular physical activity or exercise is also recommended to help insulin move glucose out of the blood and into the cells.
Childhood obesity is an epidemic all parents should take seriously. The long term health affects of all children are at stake, particularly with an increased risk of juvenile diabetes, a disease that will affect any child for their life time. By making easy lifestyle changes centered on a healthy diet and physical activity the onset of type 2 diabetes can be prevented, or even delayed in children at high risk.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Five Hundred Million Dollars Pledged To Fight Childhood Obesity Nationally, Including Texas
The New York Times reported, in an April 2007 article, that the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation plans to spend more than $500 million over the next five years to reverse the increase in childhood obesity nationally, including Texas. It is one of the largest public health initiatives ever tried by a private philanthropy.
"This is an epidemic that is going to cost the country in terms of morbidity and mortality and economically," said Dr. Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, the foundation's president and chief executive. "The younger generation is going to live sicker and die younger than their parents because of obesity."
The foundation estimates that roughly 25 million children 17 and under are obese or overweight, nearly a third of the 74 million in that age group, according to Census Bureau data and a 2006 study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.
Many of those children are poor and live in neighborhoods where outdoor play is unsafe and access to fresh fruits and vegetables is limited. "In many cases, the environment makes it almost impossible for them to choose healthy lifestyles," Dr. Lavizzo-Mourey said. "We're going to try to change that."
The foundation plans to invest in programs to improve access to healthy food, encourage the development of safe play spaces, increase research to enhance understanding of obesity and prod governments into adopting policies to address the problem, among other things.
Experts on childhood obesity welcomed the foundation's plans.
"Government grants for biomedical research in general, including obesity research, are being funded at the lowest levels I've seen in my career," said Dr. David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life Clinic at Children's Hospital Boston and author of a new book, "Ending the Food Fight." "So we are especially dependent on philanthropic support."
Philanthropy has long fueled improvements in health, from John D. Rockefeller, whose money produced a yellow fever vaccine, to Bill and Melinda Gates, who are underwriting new health technologies and vaccines to address a variety of global problems.
Robert Wood Johnson, who built Johnson & Johnson into one of the world's largest health and medical care products companies, established his foundation at his death in 1968 with 10,204,377 shares of the company's stock. He committed it to improving the health of Americans.
The foundation played a major role in curbing tobacco use in this country, spending $446 million from 1991 to 2003 toward that goal, and it plans to use those experiences to shape its attack on childhood fat.
Since 1995, the number of adult and teenage smokers has declined 12.6 percent and 18 percent, respectively.
"It was a very carefully thought-out strategic initiative," said Joel L. Fleishman, a professor of law and public policy at Duke University. The foundation underwrote research, prevention and smoking-cessation programs, and increased awareness of smoking's dangers.
Over the last few years, the foundation has pledged $80 million to childhood obesity programs, like grants to the Food Trust to persuade supermarket operators to return to poor neighborhoods.
Its new effort intends to capitalize on and enhance efforts by the food industry and school districts and governments to address the problem, Dr. Lavizzo-Mourey said. Several snack food producers are making changes in their packaging and ingredients, and three soft-drink companies said they would no longer supply sweetened drinks to school cafeterias and vending machines.
Several states have mandated changes in school menus, increased physical education requirements and begun reporting students' body mass index scores to parents.
In Arkansas, which has one of the most comprehensive programs aimed at the problem, obesity among the 450,000 children in 1,300 public schools has plateaued.
Obesity is a growing American epidemic that takes root early in life. It imposes a variety of health risks that can appear at any phase in life. As you'll discover, what affects your health also will eventually affect your bank account.
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Kids Yoga: A Solution to Global Obesity in Children
Two topics that most people are tired of hearing about are obesity and childhood obesity. The problem is we will not find solutions for these problems if we "bury our heads in the sand." Kids Yoga is a viable solution to obesity in children, but this requires schools and parents to take action now.
Obesity has crept up on all age groups quickly; children in some countries need to change their lifestyles immediately. If not, there will be serious health repercussions that will shake our health systems and fragile economies.
How did massive numbers of obesity get here? How can less physical activity in children be acceptable? How could Kids Yoga be a solution?
Parents today have less buying power than our parents had. Many children are shifted from school to day care, while both parents are working extra hours to support the family. Many of today's meals are composed of processed foods -whether they are store-bought, or bought for takeout, from a restaurant.
Physical education has suffered serious cutbacks since the "Cold War" ended. Back in the 1970's, and before, children ran and played outside more often.
The Yoga lifestyle helps parents and children manage diet in a very busy and stressful world. If you are conscious of it, there are wiser food choices, even from restaurants. When children practice Yoga, they become much more aware of their diet, posture, activities, and daily exercise routine.
Educators, doctors, Yoga teachers, and parents cannot afford to wait until the next study on childhood obesity is completed to take action. Children are bigger than ever, due to inactivity and a high fat / carbohydrate diet. Large numbers of big children will become even bigger adults, who are at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, various forms of cancer, and much more.
Therefore, educators, doctors, Yoga teachers, and parents must be proactive. Do not expect grant money, government assistance, or any help from "big brother." Look at the reaction to global warming by the world's governments and you see how long it takes to get a reaction.
For parents with school-aged children, there has never been a better time for them to attend Yoga classes. Children consider Yoga an extension of other games and exercises they would normally do. Children will naturally jump, roll on the ground, run, and spin around, in the course of playing with their friends.
With proper supervision from a certified Yoga teacher, children learn what they can and cannot do. Kids Yoga classes teach safe Hatha Yoga techniques for flexibility, strength and muscle tone.
If a child is obese, parents should not expect instant miracles with weight loss, and parents would do well to learn the practice of Hatha Yoga. In this way, parents and children will both be aware of proper dieting and a much healthier lifestyle.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Thyroid Problem: A Major Cause Of Obesity
Thyroid problem is basically a hormonal problem but affects the body's metabolic factor to a great extent. One of the major causes of obesity is the thyroid dysfunction. The secretion of thyroxin hormone in the body is very vital in different functioning processes. When the level of this hormone goes wrong, several problems start making shelter in your body.
The instant symbols of thyroid problem are fatigue, restlessness, irritation, skin problems, agony and tremendous weight gain. Sometimes the process of weight gain takes place in leaps and bounds.
Two types of thyroid problem
Normally the thyroid problem is divided as hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. In one the function of the thyroid gland and the secretion of the hormones is high and in the other the same function goes low. But both are dangerous to your health.
Women suffering from the thyroid problems also have disturbances with their menstrual cycles and face troubles with childbirth.
Overcoming overweight
If you are a chronic thyroid patient and gaining weight very fast you must bring down the level of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). Two other supporting hormones like T3 and T4 also play important role. Their levels are also to be regulated and brought at a balanced level for proper maintenance of your health.
Steps you must immediately take once it has been tested and diagnosed that you are suffering from thyroid problem:
* Consult an endocrinologist. He is the particular doctor dealing with the hormonal problems in human body. Thus his advice has to be sincerely followed to combat any such situation.
* Find out what type of deficiencies you had that has created this problem in your body. Try to get rid of them. Mainly there are nutritional shortcomings followed by entry of toxin elements in your body. They have to be eliminated through proper diet and medicine.
* Thyroid and lethargy is best friend. Following trail obesity makes friend with lethargy. So if you have to keep obesity away you will have to fight back thyroid. In between lethargy has to be kicked out. Practice yoga regularly and take help of some good breathing exercises. They are very important to stimulate the thyroid hormone inside your body.
* Selenium and zinc are the key minerals regulating thyroid hormone. These inputs must be given to your body. Have lots of vitamins A and D and incorporate fish oil in your diet. It's low cal and thyroid regulator at the same time.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Helping Children With Obesity Problems
Obesity in school aged kids is out of control. It is the parent responsibility to establish limits and control the amount of food the child eat, children lack this ability.
Here are some tips that will help you keep track of your child's food and eating regimen and help him fight childhood obesity. By eating poorly and not having good eating habits will effect the eating habits of your child and will lead to being lazy and becoming heavier and unhealthy. Your entire family will benefit from eating healthy eating and physical activity. As a parent you need to take a role in trying to create good habits and help your children establish healthy eating and exercising rituals, this will help in the long run.
Child obesity has lead to a number of other health related issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease from the combination of improper nutrition and lack of exercise. For the sake of her child's health both as a child and throughout his or her life, breastfeeding is the very best possible thing you can do when your child is young. A recent study in obesity suggests that children who are breastfed by their mothers during the first year of life are less likely to develop obesity as they get older.
If you are concerned about your child possibly being overweight then you need to decide whether the excess weight is part of a growth pattern that may change over time or whether there is a weight problem. Forget all the drugs and diets, feed your children healthy food and monitor what they eat, this will help your child in the long run.
It is important as parents that we take more responsibility to ensure healthy living for our children and to ensure they eat enough so they are healthy and they grow up eating healthy foods, we must understand what is healthy weight and what is weight that is leading to becoming obese. Yes they need to eat enough to be healthy and to grow properly, but we must know where to draw the line between what is a healthy weight and what is excessive weight. As parents, we can not take the stand that it is healthy for our children to be round and plump.
One reason: children have increased the amount of calories they eat each day by as many as 300. Did you know that more than 60% of American youth eat too many fatty foods, and less than 20% eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. A journal is just a tool for you to help your child eat better.
Many of the foods children are eating today are fried or fast food type. To keep your children healthy and at an acceptable weight make the meals yourself so you know what you are putting into the food, you are able to control the portions of food and include healthy types of food like vegetables, fruit and many other types of food.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Obesity and Your Life!
People who are overweight, or worse obese, face consequences which have the ability to become a daily nightmare. For some it is their lifestyle choices which has led them to become obese, others perhaps have gathered the extra weight through no fault of their own.
To live this overweight and obese life can be difficult, people have to face every new day with the fear of prejudice from others making it hard to live in the world which demands perfection and looks down upon them. It's a sad reality that many people have to face, a reality which comes at a great personal cost.
A persons self image and their self esteem depends almost entirely on how other people perceive them, or perhaps how other people perceive them. It is very hard to totally ignore the criticism and not care about the opinions of others. With excess weight, of course, the more you weight the harder it will get. People will stare at you no matter where you go, not to mention the snickering and jokes are a surefire way of helping to lower you self esteem.
Unfortunately this can often led to a self destructive circle leading people to become depressed and complacent with their weight which can lead to more weight gain. Obese people may stop going out doors, therefore they receive less exercise, which leads to weight gain, which lead to less exercise and so forth. This low self esteem has the ability to manifest itself in a way which makes it increasingly difficult for a person to motivate themselves in order to make an improvement in their life.
Relationships can be very difficult for obese people to enjoy when they are overweight. Sex can be become awkward with couples becoming self conscious about their bodies. The extra weight in the bedroom can make performing very difficult and excessive sweating is probably not the sexiest thing either. If they don't already have a partner it can be difficult for obese people to find a lover. The fact that they do not go out to social events as often as they should coupled with their low self esteem often results in many people giving up.
If you want to deal with your obesity problem you need to motivate yourself. But even then motivation may not be enough, outside support is mandatory. Other people helping you can make the difference between succeeding and failing, these people also often stop you from eating that extra food you should be avoiding.
Food addiction can be a very difficult thing to overcome; when someone who eats a lot first cuts back the body can have withdrawal symptoms from sugars and fats, often leading to depression. The extra support around for this week or two can make a world of difference.
Becoming obese is the easiest part but now you have to lose those pounds and this is the hard part. It will be a struggle at first, but you need to stay strong, the health, social and emotional benefits of the new you will be unbelievable. A life of less food and more exercise sounds scary to a lot of people but it doesn't have to be, if you make sure you have good support it will be easier to achieve this goal. Just think how good you will feel when you look into the mirror and walk down the street with your new body and new confidence.
More than 1 in 4 people will become overweight in their lifetime, don't let this be you.
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Organic Pill That Kills the Appetite and Attacks Obesity
As Reported by most prominent reporter Tom Mangold at BBC Two's Correspondent, these are the findings and citations, it is interesting to learn that:
Imagine this: an organic pill that kills the appetite and attacks obesity. It has no known side-effects, and contains a molecule that fools your brain into believing you are full.
Deep inside the African Kalahari desert, grows an ugly cactus called the Hoodia. It thrives in extremely high temperatures, and takes years to mature.
The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, one of the world's oldest and most primitive tribes, had been eating the Hoodia for thousands of years, to stave off hunger during long hunting trips.
When South African scientists were routinely testing it, they discovered the plant contained a previously unknown molecule, which has since been christened P 57.
The license was sold to a Cambridgeshire bio-pharmaceutical company, Phytopharm, who in turn sold the development and marketing rights to the giant Pfizer Corporation.
Fortune cactus
A molecule in the cactus makes you feel full. When I traveled to the Kalahari, I met families of the San bushmen. It is a sad, impoverished and displaced tribe, still unaware they are sitting on top of a goldmine. But if the Hoodia works, the 100,000 San strung along the edge of the Kalahari will become overnight millionaires on royalties negotiated by their South African lawyer Roger Chennells.
And they will need all the help they can to secure the money. Currently, many bushmen smoke large quantities of marijuana, suffer from alcoholism, and have neither possessions nor any sense of the value of money.
The truth is no-one has fully grasped what the magic molecule means for their counterparts in the developed world.
Blood sugar
According to the British Heart Foundation 17% of men and 21% of women are obese, while 46% of men and 32% of women are overweight.
So the drug's marketing potential speaks for itself.
Phytopharm's Dr Richard Dixey explained how P.57 actually works: "There is a part of your brain, the hypothalamus. Within that mid-brain there are nerve cells that sense glucose sugar.
"When you eat, blood sugar goes up because of the food, these cells start firing and now you are full. "What the Hoodia seems to contain is a molecule that is about 10,000 times as active as glucose. "It goes to the mid-brain and actually makes those nerve cells fire as if you were full. But you have not eaten. Nor do you want to."
Clinical trials
Dixey organized the first animal trials for Hoodia. Rats, a species that will eat literally anything, stopped eating completely. When the first human clinical trial was conducted, a morbidly obese group of people were placed in a "phase 1 unit", a place as close to prison as it gets.
All the volunteers could do all day was read papers, watch television, and eat. Half were given Hoodia, half placebo. Fifteen days later, the Hoodia group had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 a day.
It was a stunning success.
The cactus test
In order to see for ourselves, we drove into the desert, four hours north of Capetown in search of the cactus. Once there, we found an unattractive plant which sprouts about 10 tentacles, and is the size of a long cucumber.
Each tentacle is covered in spikes which need to be carefully peeled. The San will finally throw off thousands of years of oppression, poverty, social isolation and discrimination
Roger Chennells, lawyer
Inside is a slightly unpleasant-tasting, fleshy plant.
At about 1800hrs I ate about half a banana size - and later so did my cameraman.
Soon after, we began the four hour drive back to Capetown. The plant is said to have a feel-good almost aphrodisiac quality, and I have to say, we felt good.
But more significantly, we did not even think about food. Our brains really were telling us we were full. It was a magnificent deception. Dinner time came and went. We reached our hotel at about midnight and went to bed without food. And the next day, neither of us wanted nor ate breakfast.
I ate lunch but without appetite and very little pleasure. Partial then full appetite returned slowly after 24 hours.
The future Mr Chennells is ecstatic:
"The San will finally throw off thousands of years of oppression, poverty, social isolation and discrimination. "We will create trust funds with their Hoodia royalties and the children will join South Africa's middle classes in our lifetime.
"I envisage Hoodia cafes in London and New York, salads will be served and the Hoodia cut like cucumber on to the salad. "It will need flavoring to counter its unpleasant taste, but if it has no side effects and no cumulative side-effects."
Saturday, 5 July 2008
ABC Guide to Avoiding Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity has become a major health epidemic, with approximately 15% of children considered to be obese the world over. The main reason for the childhood obesity epidemic is a shift in eating habits, away from fresh food, whole grains and vegetables to convenience food high in fat, sugar and additives. Another major factor is a decline in activity for both children and adults, who now spend more time in sedentary activities like watching TV and playing computer games that participating in exercise.
In addition, children who have obese or overweight parents have a high risk of becoming obese themselves as a result of poor family eating habits and unhealthy food choices. Parents today are spending less time with their kids and giving less parental advice about healthy food and activity choices. In the USA, UK and Australia 25% of children are considered overweight or obese. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are great including low self esteem, depression, hormonal imbalances, diabetes and joint problems.
Worse still, the obese child who remains overweight into adulthood has the potential to develop more serious health risks later in their life, including arthritis, stroke and heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, and bowel cancer.
Fast food marketing giants spending billions of dollars in advertising to target children and teens, selling them cheap and high-calorie low nutrition value foods, such as crisps, soft drink, hamburgers and confectionery, coupled with lack of control of parents, is the major cause of incorrect eating habits and obesity.
Research shows that even drinking soft drink or soda regularly increases a child's chance of becoming overweight or obese by 60%. Worse still, even moderate exercise is no longer a regular daily activity for children and teens. Most children do not play any sport or even walk or cycle to school. This is compounded by the fact that busy parents have less time than ever to supervise their children and take them out to play in local parks or on the street.
A fear of stranger danger and abduction has added to the value of allowing kids to watch TV or play computer games rather than be outside without parental supervision.
Doctors and nutritionists recommend that most overweight children should be encouraged to lose weight through long lasting positive lifestyle changes in eating habits and activity, rather than be put on a weight-loss diet. It is better that children begin to moderate unhealthy choices, eat smaller portion sizes, and begin moderate exercise three to four days a week for thirty to forty five minutes, building on this over a longer period rather than staging a crash course diet.
The main parenting strategies aim to encourage children to gradually change their (1) eating habits towards well-balanced, healthy, varieties of freshly cooked and nutritious foods, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and introducing more healthy recipes and nutritious lunch box ideas; (2) become more active , and (3) monitor their own progress and weight loss - until they are able to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It is often easier to facilitate a change in habits for children compared to adults. Importantly, parents need to talk to their ids and provide healthy choices at home, and healthy lunch box offerings for school.
For parents needing support, internet Parent 's Forums and Parenting Blogs offer support and community exchange of ideas and tips to help address issues relating to childhood obesity. Other advice includes getting kids involved in shopping and meal preparation to help teach them better nutrition and food choice, and assigning chores as another way to get kids up and active.
Avoid stocking high-fat, high-sugar snack in home, provide fruit and healthy alternatives like fat free pretzels and popcorn. Dilute fruit juice and avoid soft drinks, water is always best. Try to make good choices when going out for dinner, and avoid using food as a reward/comfort. Instead, give kids the attention they deserve by listening, providing encouraging words and hugs and treating the family out to the cinema or local bowling alley to celebrate small successes.
Physical inactivity includes pastimes such as watching TV or playing computer games, should be reduced to no more than two hours a day. Gradual increase in physical activity, such as walking, bike riding, swimming, dancing and ball sports is suggested three to four times a week to begin. Importantly, remember the time you spend together as a family being active is also a great way to reconnect and bond and should be a fun experience for all new fitness plan can mean a whole lot more than simply losing weight.
Friday, 4 July 2008
The Many Causes of Obesity
There is a big difference between being a bit overweight and being obese. Obesity is "an over-accumulation of fat that interferes with the function of our bodies." Obesity is defined as having excessive fat in body tissues. Obesity increases the risk for many health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute defines being overweight as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9 and obese as having a BMI of 30 or greater.
Obesity can be caused by many different factors. The most significant are:
Genetics or Heredity
Genetics are what your forefathers (and mothers) bequeathed to you in the form of your genes. There is a perception that very obese people are lazy and greedy. Not all obese people have reached that state because they eat everything in sight. If both of a person's parents were heavy, that person has a 70% probability that he or she will also be heavy. That percentage drops to 40-50% if only one parent was thin.
Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself. Metabolism is the process in which nutrients are acquired, transported, used and disposed of by the body.
Every person is unique and they all have their own unique metabolism. The terms "slow metabolism" and "fast metabolism" refer to how easily our bodies convert food into fuel (energy) and nutrients. A person's metabolism is affected by genetics, hormone levels, thyroid conditions, food allergies, amount of body fat, age and insulin levels. Since there are so many factors that contribute to a person's metabolism, it is difficult to specify and special "diet" or "metabolic diet" for a specific person. An entire medical and psychological history would have to be determined.
A person's mental state can contribute to a person's obesity. But the person's state of mind is usually caused because he/she is obese, not the obesity being caused by the person's state of mind.
Everywhere around us there are ads, pictures, and other people who urge us to eat more. Almost all social activity is based on food and drink. Dinners, luncheons and barbecues.
Even some religions have a type of food that should or should not be eaten at certain times. All of these little nudges to eat contribute to the obesity in our population.
Sedentary Lifestyle
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of obesity. Physical activity is one of the best ways to lose those pounds.
Some prescriptions, especially antidepressants, have been shown to increase appetite, and therefore increase obesity.
Taking in more calories than our bodies need is the most significant factor in obesity. The combination of overeating and under-activity can be the death knell to successful weight loss.
Most obese people have reached that state through multiple causes. In fact, all obese people have at least two or three of the contributing factors. That is why it is so difficult for some people to lose weight. If there is an underlying medical condition, all the diets in the world may not be enough.
Now that you've seen all the causes of being overweight, how can you overcome them?
Start simple. In weight loss, the basics are quite simple: Eat protein from the best sources you can find; vegetables in mostly unlimited amounts; high-fiber, low-sugar fruit in moderation; and eat less of fats like butter, mayonnaise and the like.
Always check with a doctor and ask for advice before starting on a stringent diet and exercise program. It's best to unearth any medical problems before doing something that will make them worse.
First, know yourself. Keep a food diary that records not only what you eat, but why you are eating and your mood at the time you are eating.
Second, be committed. Not to your spouse, your children, or your friends, but to yourself. Do it for YOU.
Third, cut down on portion sizes and reduce your fat intake. Healthy food choices are extremely important for weight loss and for health.
Fourth, increase your activity. Go for walks, go swimming or find another physical activity that suits you. My stepson lost 96 pounds by increasing his exercise level. He didn't change his eating habits at all!
Diets came into being to help people to structure their eating habits. Very stringent diets are very hard to follow and a lot of people don't have the self discipline to follow through. I believe that eating healthy foods - lean meats, vegetables and fruits - in moderate portions will be easier for most people to follow. Having some flexibility will help combat those feelings of deprivation.
Changing the eating habits of a lifetime is difficult. Start with one thing such as reducing portion sizes, and keep at it until it becomes a habit. It is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Don't try to take on too much at a time. Baby-step your way to healthy weight loss and better health. Persistence and patience wins the day.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Youth Obesity Rages Out of Control
Years ago, it was rare to see an obese adult and almost unheard of to see an obese young person. Don't believe it? Just watch old movies or television shows. Even in crowd scenes, at sporting events, etc. Americans were almost uniformly of average weight. All that has changed. Americans seemed to be divided into two groups, the overly thin, bordering on eating disorder crowd, imitating their favorite actress, or the overweight, moving in the direction of obese.
It's truly amazing when you think about it. In just the past 30 years, obesity amongst young people has more than doubled, and the percentage of those who are overweight has sometimes tripled! According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, Among young people, the prevalence of overweight increased from 5.0% to 13.9% for those aged 2-5 years, 6.5% to 18.8% for those aged 6-11 years, and 5.0% to 17.4% for those aged 12-19 years.
If the above trend continues, and it will continue unless something is changed, overweight and obesity rates will continue to rise. Concurrently, adult rates will rise as well, especially troubling when you consider the fact that heart disease is already the Number One Killer in America. In addition to Heart Disease, other dangers include:
Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
Type 2 diabetes
Coronary heart disease
Gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
It is quite possible that all of the above to be exacerbated by poor diet. Fried foods, fast food, candy and other junk foods are taking Americans on a short road to an early grave.
You may think, "It's impossible, look how readily available these types of junk food, fast food and candy are available. There's no way our society and government would allow it. Well, for readers who are a bit older, just think back to cigarettes. They used to have athletes doing commercials saying Lucky Strikes helped them play better. Doctors used to prescribe cigarettes to women for nerves. So it's possible our society is at that same crossroads where junk food, fast food and candy are concerned.
What can be done? Simply put, there needs to be a change in this country and it start with our nations schoolchildren. There needs to be more emphasis on exercise and nutrition. This means less junk food, less fast food, and more Healthy Solutions. One of the healthy objectives of the CDC is to reduce the prevalence of obesity amongst adults to less than 15%. The problem is the trend is not going in the right direction, as the situation is worsening. Only time will tell whether America can let go of junk food and fast food addiction and embrace Healthy Solutions.
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Obesity in America, Proactol Can Repel The Attack
Obesity in America is the number one health threat. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have already warned the public about the looming threat. Clocking in at a staggering $122.9 billion in costs; obesity also sends nearly 400,000 Americans to an early grave.
There is a noticeable reduction in the quality of life of obese persons. The condition impacts lifestyle and leads to lower self esteem, depression and discomfort in social situations.
More serious diseases such as diabetes and hypertension generally enter through the door of obesity in America. A phenomenal two thirds are overweight. A common disease in America is high blood pressure, and it is touted that stress is a prevalent health problem here as well.
There are many reasons for the overweight statistics. Much of these statistics come from overeating and poor eating habits. The total cost of overweight and obesity in America was $99.2 billion in 1995. The cost of obesity had ballooned to about $117 billion in 2000.
High blood pressure has increased from 25 to 28% throughout 1991 to 2000. In numbers, the movement was from 50 million to 58 million. This silent disease has proven to be the leading cause of strokes and heart attacks. To make matters worse, a whopping 30% of Americans with high blood pressure are unaware that they have it!
Meanwhile, a staggering 75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. More than 20 million Americans between the ages of eighteen to fifty have anxiety disorders. Stress goes on the attack from all directions. It affects everything we do. Recognizing the causes of stress is half the battle. Avoiding it is the other half.
We need help! That help today is Proactol. It is a licensed medical product that has been recommended by doctors for the treatment of obesity and weight management. It is also proven to decrease food cravings and lower blood cholesterol levels. We have finally found a product to help the millions of Americans fight obesity.
The psychological effects of obesity are profound and deeply rooted. As soon as you begin to believe more and more in success for yourself then will your ups and downs begin to level out.
When you decide to take success into your bosom, remember also to take responsibility for your decisions. You will gain more control of your life as soon as you take more responsibility for what happens in your life.
Keep a firm hold on the reins of your life from this day forward. Always believe that you will get the mastery over your appetite and one day you will. Remember, when you can visualize your end result, it is then that you will know when you have arrived.
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Obesity Statistics Can Be Held In Check By Proactol
Obesity statistics indicate that it is the biggest health threat that confronts America today. This warning comes from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Obesity currently results in an estimated 400,000 deaths annually. It also costs the nation a crippling $122.9 billion.
This disease significantly reduces the quality of life among adults in our nation. This disease creeps right into the fabric of our lifestyle and can cause us to become a nation of social misfits. Other serious health diseases like hypertension and diabetes can result sooner or later when obesity is present.
February is Heart Month. This is a good time to remember that cardiovascular diseases are still the leading cause of death in the United States and Canada. Cardiovascular diseases include heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, heart failure and congenital cardiovascular defects.
How do you reduce the risk of heart disease? Physical activity, healthy eating, maintaining or losing weight and not smoking are the answers. These lifestyle choices are free, attainable and fend off heart disease as well as obesity.
An unbelievable one third of American adults between the ages of 45 to 54 have cardiovascular disease. Those who are 65 and older account for more than 83% of deaths from cardiovascular disease. When we age, gain weight, stop moving and allow obesity to take over, the risk of becoming on of the obesity statistics steadily increases.
In the US alone 30% of the population is classed as being obese. That stands at over 60 million people. Another 50 million people go on a diet each year. Sadly, only 5% of these individuals will keep the weight off long term.
Are you one of those dieters? Are you still unhappy with the way you look and feel? Are you aware that Proactol can help you achieve a much healthier lifestyle? The confidence you will gain from feeling healthy is priceless.
People who become obesity statistics are usually affected in all areas of their life. But we can come to grips with this problem. We must begin to embrace the belief that we can do it. With consistent application, things will slowly begin to turn around for us.
As soon as we decide to walk hand in hand with success, and embrace responsibility for our decisions, positive things will begin to happen. By taking responsibility for everything in your life, you will begin to gain more control. Stay in control of your life from here on in. Seek at all times the mastery of your cravings, and you will eventually conquer it.
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