Wednesday, 18 June 2008

How To Stop Your Child From Falling Victim To The Childhood Obesity Epidemic

Everywhere we look in the world these days; it is evident that Childhood obesity has become a very serious epidemic. The risks of childhood illnesses, such as diabetes are on the rise. This is because numerous children are now classified as obese; this means that more instances of childhood illness will continue to occur. In this day and age, more so than any other time throughout our history, children are unhealthy. It is not necessary that a child should have to face childhood obesity. In fact, we can help in the prevention of childhood obesity by following the steps listed below.

The first thing that should be done in prevention of childhood obesity is teaching children to learn how to eat healthier. The eating habit a child has begins when they are born. Breastfeeding has been proven to be far healthier for an infant than formula. In fact, numerous studies have shown that breastfed babies have less of a chance of suffering from childhood obesity, than babies that were fed formula. It is important that as parents we learn to distinguish between hungry cries and other types of cries. One thing, we as parents do, is feed a baby each time it cries, this is how the obesity cycle begins.

Once the obesity cycle has begun, it is extremely hard to break that cycle. As a child grows, it is important that you teach them about eating when their hungry and eating when they are bored or because the food is good. This teaching should start when they enter preschool and will be an essential effort to preventing childhood obesity. Furthermore, even though you may not think so, snacks are a big part of introducing a healthy diet to your child. However, you should only provide healthy snacks for your child, try to steer them away from cookies, chips, and candies.

Lastly, in preventing childhood obesity, it is important that your child learn what they can about nutritious food. This means you should be including whole grains, vegetables, and fruits within their daily diet. Remember the food pyramid you learned about in school? Well this will help you now in determining how many servings of each group your child should be getting daily.

While diet is a big part of battling childhood obesity, so is exercise and activities. Keeping your child away from the television for several hours a day and participating in activities is another component in the prevention of childhood obesity.

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