Friday, 14 December 2007

Fast Easy Fat Loss

Speaking strictly for myself, I've found that any "Fast Easy Fat Loss" program to be a prerequisite for failure and just permeates more of what you're trying to get rid of.
At the risk of sounding like a "Dime Store Psycologist" There is nothing that is worth while that comes fast and easy. That includes just about everything there is.
The promise of fast easy money is nothing more than an unscrupulous business trying to bilk money from people, that are desperate enough to believe their bull.
The promise of the better job by employers that dangle the carrot to manipulate the employee into producing more.
Shall I go on or can I get down off my soap box? (:-)
We as Americans are the most obese country in the world and speaking from my own experience I've found that my own struggles with weight loss were emotional in nature and had nothing to do with food.
The weight was but a symptom of deeper issues. Low self esteem and self worth. A lousy self image combined with the constant bombardment of media that suggested we be perfect in every way. I'd put on the emotional feed bag and feel sorry for myself when I couldn't get my pants buttoned.
Then I'd diet and work out, take it off and upon doing so, something would come along and knock me down, then I didn't deserve what happened, feel sorry for myself and eat some more, put on some more fat, and so the merry go round continued. Phew, I'm worn out just typing this kind of insanity. Yes, Insanity! It's True! When you continue to do the same thing over and over, expecting the results to some how be different. That's Just Plain Crazy!

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